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Brazilian Leather

Ecom is a company that supply international market with cow leather for a variety of uses!

couro tingido

Brazil is among the five major players within the worldwide leather sector.

It boasts 310 tanneries, responsible for production more than 45 million hides every year, so, over 80 countries buy Brazilian leather every month. Major importers include China/Hong Kong, Italy, the U.S., Vietnam, and Hungary.

By this way, our company supply finished leather suitable for automotive, upholstery, garments, hand bags, accessories, shoes and others.

We select carefully our partners and the products we promote, in order to ensure we work with a perfect match.


  • Wet Salted Hides

  • Wet Blue Hides

  • Crust Vaqueta ASA

  • Crust for upholstery

  • Hair-on-hides

For more informations and pictures, please contact us, we are available!

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We are available to help you. Please, contact us!

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