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Brazilian Softwood

The pine wood is generally utilized for construction. It is internationally known as slash pine, southern pine and southern yellow pine and scientifically known as “Elliottii Pine” and "Taeda Pine". It is classified as a softwood, pertaining to the coniferous group.


Originally from North America, the pine wood was introduced to Brazil around 1970 due to its high reforestation. These trees are located in various parts of the country though are primarily located in the southern and southeast regions.


On behalf of its rapid growth rates and its non-necessity of nutritionally rich soil, the pine wood is easily manageable, making it one of the most utilized for construction and other areas.

Even though it is a vulnerable species with several natural predators, it possesses numerous utilities. Its permeability facilitates in its preservation and its workable material permits its use in various forms: broomsticks, toothpicks, brushes, sports articles, toys and several others.

Pinus Radial
Pinus Tangencial
Pinus Macrografia



Scientific name: Pinus elliottii Engelm, Pinaceae.

Note: reforestation wood.

Other known names: slash pine, southern pine, southern yellow pine. 


Characteristics: heartwood and sapwood indistinct in color, yellowish-white, moderately bright color; low density; soft to cut; straight grain; fine texture.


Durability: susceptible to fungal attack.


Treatability: is easy to treat.


Workability: easy to work with. It is easy to deploy, flatten, unfold, sand, turn, drill, fix, paste and has a good finish.


Drying: easy to dry.



Bulk Density ():

• Apparent to 15% humidity (ap, 15): 480 kg / m³

• Basic (básica): 400 kg / m³



• Radial: 3.4%

• Tangential: 6.3%

• Volumetric: 10.5%




• Resistance (fM):

      Green Wood: 48.0 MPa

      Wood at 15% moisture content: 69.6 MPa

• Proportionality limit - green wood: 19.7 MPa

• Modulus of elasticity - Green wood: 6463 MPa


Compression parallel to the fibers:

• Resistance (FC0):

      Green Wood: 18.5 MPa

      Wood at 15% moisture content: 31.5 MPa

• Humidity influence coefficient: 6.7%

• Proportionality limit - green wood: 13.7 MPa

• Modulus of elasticity - Green wood: 8846 MPa


Other properties:

• Resistance in impact bending - Wood at 15% (shock): 14.5

• Shearing - Green Wood: 5.8 MPa

• Janka hardness - Green wood: 1932 N

• Normal traction of the fibers - green wood: 3.0 MPa

• Splitting - Green Wood: 0.4 MPa




• Internal structure:


      secondary parts of structures

• Internal general utility:






• Temporary use:

      formwork for concrete





• General Utility:

      standard furniture

      internal parts of furniture including those decorative

Other uses:



      offset plates

      decorative veneer

      sporting goods and toys


      spools and reels


IPT - Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas do Estado de SP.

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